Music Review: Logic- Supermarkets (Soundtrack): Just….why?
So here we have the latest album from Logic called Supermarket which was a surprise to me. I had no idea that this album was coming as I had no previous information that it was coming out. I didn’t even know that he had written a book under the same name that goes along with this album. Now I’ve reviewed Logic albums before and have remained pretty positive with my reviews. I’ve admired the production on his albums in the past, and I thought the man could rap good as well. Plus his lyrical chops I thought were above average in the rap scene. So I could expect that this album could be something relatively decent and maybe well written if it was the traditional Logic sound. Here’s the problem; this is not the typical Logic sound, which turns out to be disastrous.
This project is easily the worst Logic album I have heard, hands down. He tries to do the most mainstream indie pop he possibly could while at the same time he tries to put some of his rap production into the thick of it, and my god does it not work at all. When I say he’s doing the mainstream indie pop and folk, I mean he sounds like Jason Mraz or the Plain White T’s. It’s rather upsetting honestly. It’s odd because it’s evident that Logic is a talented guy, but to change his style he threw his talent out the window.
Lyrically, this is the worst I’ve ever heard from him as well. Every single song where he does this indie-pop style, he sings the most basic lyrics you could put down for this style. Even on the few parts that he raps on this album, his words are cringy and also annoying. For instance on the opening track “Bohemian Trapsody” he says /Pass the weed like a legislator/ and that line for some reason just left me shaking my head. Even though the name of the song already had me shaking my head.
To get down to the worst of the worst, however, we have the track “Lemon Drop” which is a copycat of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song, but I couldn’t figure out which one. Not lyrically though as the lyrics to open the song are terrible and corny.
/Come get me, but don’t hit me/ I smoke weed, so I’m trippy/ Get litty, get gritty/ Rick Sanchez, get schwifty/
Logic himself sounds so annoying when he is trying to make an Anthony Kiedis impression as well. The beat that is trying to be a similar RHCP’s song so out of wack that it makes you wonder why he didn’t just use the original song in the first place. At this point, I’m just thinking to myself alright, this is probably the worst song I’ve heard this year, and that was exactly how I felt until I listened to the next song on this album “I’m Probably Gonna Rock Your World” which showed me just how lousy Logic could be. This song is probably the worst R&B style of song I’ve heard maybe ever. Like seriously this song is complete garbage from start to finish. There are multiple times on this song where the lyrics just wanted me to shut my brain off and call it a day.
/So come on, hold me/ And let’s make a baby/
Like this song isn’t about a relationship it is definitely about hooking up, and I’m pretty sure that she is probably not going to want a baby from a one night stand. Maybe think of a better pickup line Logic. We are not done though cause there’s also this gem of a couplet:
/Comin’ for you/ And by the end of the night, you gon’ be cummin’ too/
This makes me want to vomit mentally so that the audio that I heard that contains these lyrics comes out and I don’t ever have to deal with it ever again. The beat and production on this song are just awful as well. So unimaginative and so dull for a moody sex song. Like I’m pretty sure that if this song is used as a mood setter for the bedroom, that all participants would fall asleep.
So I guess for some positives for this album, there are some beats that I do enjoy slightly. I won’t lie, I do like when the rap beat comes on for the opening track “Bohemian Trapsody.” It makes the song tolerable. The song “Baby” also is pretty catchy and is somewhat of an, and I guess sometimes his singing isn’t that bad, so there’s that. I don’t know guys, trying to find good things to say about this album is really hard.
Overall, this album really confuses me. Why on earth does making an album like this make sense in a rapper’s mind? Like cool that’s great you’re trying something different, but you at least have to do that style reasonably well. It feels like that not a lot of effort was put into this soundtrack at all and Logic’s writing, production and beats that I liked about him are not found on this album.